Spring Bayou Youth


Sunday - 9:45AM Sunday School, 10:45AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Prayer Service, Women's Bible Study, Spring Bayou kids

spring bayou youth

Spring Bayou Youth is a ministry for students from grades 6th - 12th. Their purpose is to glorify love Jesus and glorify Him by learning to lead other students to receive Him as Lord and Savior, to follow Christ and proclaim His great name, . All students are welcome to join to worship and fellowship with one another and grow closer to Christ.  Here are a few of those opportunities.


Sunday School at 9:45am. This is a incredible opportunity for students to hang out with other peers to study The Bible.

Sunday Evenings at 6:00pm. On Sunday Night, students meet for worship and listen for teaching from the Bible in an entertaining, fun way.  

Wednesday Nights. Every Wednesday night the youth meet for Bible study, games and fun! The gospel is always shared and students are prepped to share and defend Christ.


DNOW Weekend. This is a special weekend hosted by Spring Bayou and shared with Oscar Baptist, Lovelaceville Baptist, and Newton Creek Baptist Youth Groups and others.  It is packed with fun, games, activities, small group Bible study, and a corporate worship.

Youth Camp. Both the middle and high school students will go to either a fun camp or mission camp.  These are usually alternated each year.  It is an amazing experience!

New Year’s Eve Lock In. Not only do parents get to take a break from their teenager, but we offer a super-packed fun night along with Bible study and pray to bring the New Year in.